Back in school...

Hi all,

We've been very busy getting back on track with school/work/play. Noe had a great time in Boston with his family and many friends. Now he is back and we're both back in school. He is taking ESL 2 and I am taking a couple Spanish classes, along with doing volunteer tag-team-teaching with a Spanish teacher at Cleveland High School. This is very fun -- I go three times a week for a total of 8-9 hours/wk. The school is made up of minority groups, and the kids don't seem to think highly of their school (one of the students was shot/killed at a party a couple weeks ago).

We are still both working and hoping to travel soon -- but still not sure when. It's hard to think about taking a trip when we're so busy just trying to get through each day. Someday we'll have a vacation...

Noe has been playing lots of soccer // he plays on a Wednesday team out in Redmond each week, and sometimes plays on Mondays, Tuesdays or Fridays in parks here in Shoreline when he's got extra time. He's also looking in to trying indoor soccer at the college. I finally have Wednesdays off, so I've been going to his games! The team's mascot is a little pet pug owned by one of the players, that goes to the games. This week they had to play in the snow!

Right now I'm working on developing a lesson plan about minority groups in Latin America, hoping that the high school students will identify more with the people of Latin America...


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