We made it!

We made it! It is very humid here and hot, about 86F. The town is small and we can walk everywhere we need to go. Our hotel is just down the street from the school, and it is here that they have $500 apartments for rent, which we are going to check out today. Outside the hotel window is the beach. We met up with other teachers in Saipan yesterday before we flew with one other teacher from Washington to Rota. There are a couple more teachers from the mainland that will be coming back soon (they taught here last year). This morning we got up really early to go walking before it got hot - and found a breakfast place called As Paris to eat around 7am. There is internet WiFi at the hotel lobby so we will be able to use it every day.

Make sure to download Skype and let us know what your screen name is! We are "taraandnoe" and can do video/voice calls. Remember we are one full day minus 7 hours ahead of you, or you can add 17 hours if that's easier (during day light savings. Without daylight savings we are 16 hours ahead of you).


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