Wedding Cake
Yesterday a group of us, lead by Noe, hiked up Wedding Cake mountain and also to the Grotto, a lovely swimming hole. We tromped through the jungle on the barely visible trail, but were able to take some great pictures and videos. To see Noé jumping into the Grotto, click here.
Ice, Bridget, Nelia, Dali, Eric, and Tara hiking down from Wedding Cake, May 2010

Noé at the Grotto, Rota, CNMI May 2010
Ice, Bridget, Nelia, Dali, Eric, and Tara hiking down from Wedding Cake, May 2010
Noé and Tara on top of Wedding Cake Mtn. Rota, CNMI May 2010

Noé at the Grotto, Rota, CNMI May 2010