
We celebrated our 5th anniversary this April by eating dinner at the Pacifica Restaurant at the Rota Resort.  I created a t-shirt for Noé that has  a list of places we've been together, using (see image below).  I also bought Noé a 2-person tent for backpacking, and it came so fast from REI that we had it for our anniversary rather than his birthday in May!  So we went camping out at Poña Point last weekend, although we had to sleep closer to the road due to lots of wind down on the actual point.

These past two weeks have been busy at school as we finished up the 3rd quarter and prepared grades.  This coming week teachers have vacation on Monday, Tuesday, and Friday (something like Spring Break, but with Professional Developments in the middle).

We managed to get our taxes done after many calculations on where it would be best for us to file (CNMI vs mainland).  We've also bought our tickets to Thailand and are trying to get Noé the appropriate visa from the LA Thai consulate, however I just realized we sent our money order for $5 short of the actual fee, so I'll have to do some calls this week in hopes that they hold his application until they get the other $5 rather than sending it back.  Our friend, Chris Stevens, has purchased his tickets to come to Rota and also to Thailand with us, so he'll be here on June 7th or so.

Noé wants to mention that he slipped riding his bike down our driveway and has a skinned knee.  He was carrying three loads of laundry in a backpack-thing when he slipped into some green mossy stuff that looks more like seaweed on the cement.

Michelle and Becky finally have microphones and cameras, so we were able to Skype last weekend.  It was nice and I hope we can do that more often.


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