Spring has sprung...?

We went to our 20 week ultrasound on March 1st with Gail and Dale - and our baby is going to be a boy!  Check out the ultrasound photo and video on the Baby page.

The weather has slowly been getting nicer, and although Orion still fears the out-of-doors, I have managed to go for walks on the nicest days.  It makes me feel like on Rota when I would walk most afternoons up to the Cross.  I'm at 25 weeks pregnant and can still do most things like walk around, pick things up, and do Zumba.  However rolling over in bed proves to pull muscles sometimes!

Noé has started a new job in landscaping this past month and has also been looking into the landscaping AA degree offered at South Seattle Community College.  For now he's still working on math and English classes at Bellevue College, but may transfer over there in the future.

Today we went to Goodwill and Ikea and found some cute things for baby - onesies at $0.99/ea and some really cute fabric fruit and veggies.  I'd like to have the other sets they have of cloth food, so I put them on our Amazon.com baby registry list.  They are way cooler than plastic food toys!  I also found some used maternity clothes - shorts, cotton pants, hooded long sleeve shirt, and a nice black dress.

This week I got a cell phone - mostly because I fear my car breaking down and not being able to call for help, and being pregnant and not able to walk far.  Luckily T-mobile has a $30/month plan for 1500 minutes/texts without any contract!  We've also been trying to convince our niece, Yosselyn (who lives in Boston), to come for a couple months to help take care of the baby for the first two months that I go back to teaching.  She is graduating high school this June and has no plans yet, so we thought this would be a great opportunity to have her come visit (and she can earn some dough in the process!).  It's still in the works, but my sister-in-law has given the OK, just need to convince Yosselyn's boyfriend...We'll need to move into a two-bedroom apartment this summer anyway.

Last weekend I got to hang out with Becky, Michelle, Rachel, and Tracy to do baby crafts!  Tracy and I made baby shower invites and helped Rachel do some girly baby announcements.  Becky and Michelle worked on some clothing for Rachel's baby, while Rachel and I sewed cute bibs.  It was nice to have a day just with girls!  And since Rachel is due the same week I am, we compared notes.  Later that evening we went to see the Hunger Games.

 Becky, Rachel, Michelle, Tracy, Tara

Rachel (23 weeks), Tara (24 weeks) 

Bibs, announcements, and baby clothes


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