mumps continued

Noe is doing much better, his fever is lessening and his face is de-swelling. He is not going to do the Census work, so I think he can rest a bit more before going back to his construction work job.

He got the birthday presents we all sent in the mail, and the prank can of nuts scared him! He thought it was hilarious. Then he handed it to Mayra and she opened it and shrieked too! The kids all love the books and everybody ate up the rice-krispie-treats.

Today was nice enough to motivate me to go pump up my bike tires and then I rode around the neighborhood and to the library. Then I hung up my hammock and sat for a while. What a nice day! Earlier I went to observe a Spanish class at Bothell High and met another Spanish teacher, as Vicky was not there.

Ta ta for now



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