Noe's new job and Pen Pal...

Noe actually DID finally get the job, and started working for the Salvadoran Census, going around to people's houses and filling out the forms based on how many people live there, etc. He is still swollen in the face, but his "mumps" is almost gone. He will be working on the census until the 27th of this month, just before his interview at the embassy!

With one of my students at Woodin I have arranged for her to write to my neice Arely in San Diego, El Salvador. This will help my student with her Spanish writing skills (she is in the dual language program) and give her something fun to do for the end of the school year. She was very excited to find out that Arely is also reading Charolette's Web in Spanish! (coincindence)

This next weekend I will be going to an Amigos retreat on Saturday and working Sunday. Then starting next week I will be working back at the WAC canoe rentals all through the summer -- no weekends off!

Everyone is looking forward to meeting Noe and he may be able to volunteer at Woodin a couple days if he comes before the school year is over. During the summer we will plan a "Welcome to the USA" party and a Wedding Reception. Maybe the welcome party can be for the 4th of July? That would be neat -- fireworks and all!


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